Jessi Mini, LMT, MMP, Shamanic High Priestess, Initiated Guide
Jessi Mini has a deep connection with nature which was established when she was young. Out in nature has always been her favorite place to be. She grew up hunting, fishing, and hiking with her father. She learned gardening skills from her mother, and continues to utilize those skills. She continues to raise plants for food and to support pollinators, dry herbs for healing remedies, and believes growing food and being involved with nature is essential for healing mind, body, and soul.
Jessi has noticed and researched patterns that occur in nature and how to tune into those cycles. She’s studied how the human body responds to what the natural environment is doing and how to incorporate these cycles into our daily lives.
Jessi is a Shamanic High Priestess and Initiated Guide through the 7th Ray Mystery School in North America, Reiki Master/ Teacher, and Massage Therapist. She has been working with natural, holistic, and shamanic practices for years to encourage a healthier lifestyle in herself, family, and clients. She has the ability to work with clients in multiple dimensions to facilitate healing.
Massage- massage holds the possibility for increasing range of motion, decreasing pain, and promoting relaxation so the body can heal itself and bring back the feeling of "being human" again!
Jessi has experience working with clients suffering from headaches, migraines, tension and pain in shoulders, low range of motion in joints (including shoulders, hips, hands, ankles, and neck), low back and hip pain, sciatica, arthritis, increasing mobility after injury or surgery, stress, and anxiety. She has experience working with essential oils for over 20 years. Aromatherapy added to a session can promote wellness, relaxation, and pain relief among other benefits.
Jessi also works well with clients seeking relaxation and stress relief through Swedish massage, as well as Reiki.
Shamanic and Guide Work -Jessi works with healing the entire person. When we seek healing, just treating the physical body is not enough. Often times, when we just treat physical symptoms, conditions eventually return. We need to work with mind, emotions, body, soul, and spirit to encompass a complete healing process. This process happens over time. A variety of energy healing modalities are offered, as well as coaching to guide a client through his or her own transformation and journey through life. Jessi works to remove unwanted energy and sealing the aura. She will discuss how and why we take on energy we do not need, and what it does to our mind and body. Guidance is then offered to encourage lifestyle changes to continue the healing process.
"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it" -Albert Einstein